Registri Parrocchiali Italiani    Italian Parish Records

Preservare l'inestimabile storia d'Italia    Preserving the Priceless History of Italy

Un popolo senza una conoscenza della propria storia, origine e culture passate è come un albero senza radici.  Marcus Garvey 

A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, & culture is like a tree without roots.  Marcus Garvey    

Parrocchie digitizzate 


Searchable indexed records



2024 Year of Tourism of Roots -  "While clients may explore the historical wonders of Rome and Florence, it's the moments spent in the ancestral lands, connecting with locals who might even be their relatives, that leaves an indelible mark on their hearts.”   Emidio Spinogatti, Genealogist &  AncestryTour Guide in Abruzzo & Molise

Read Our Jul 2024 Journal Featuring:      link

  Suzanne E. Greco, Founder & Director

   Francesco E. Fullone

IPR is proud to be collaborating with Dr. Nicola Barban at the University of Bologna with the Project called GENPOP.  Genes, Genealogies, and the Evolution of Demographic Change in Social Equality, funded by the European Research Council.  Our databases, provided by our stalwart indexers, are being used for this prestigious research project.

Sito web per i registri Parrocchiali Italiani    Website for Italy's Catholic Parish Registries

 Did you know no other source has recorded the everyday lives of Italians in such depth and breadth from the 1500s through the 1900s?  By papal decree (Council of Trent, 1545-1563), ordinances were documented and kept by the parish scribes detailing names, births, marriages, deaths, occupations, and census information.  Socio-economic conditions, the devastating after-effects of natural disasters and sporadic outbreaks of the plague, complex human migration patterns throughout Italy over the centuries – all can be studied and analyzed through parish records. Hand-written on old paper that has deteriorated over time they need to be digitized before they are inextricably lost. 

 Visualizza alcuni dei record danneggiati  View some of the damaged records.

Nuovo nei notri Archivi:  New to our Archives

Get involved!   IPR is a non-profit Organization, who relies on Volunteers like yourself.  We need people to assist in this great work of preservation, who are as passionate about preserving these priceless records.   CONTACT US     

We are seeking:

For additional information on go to our Volunteers Page.  

Information for records that maybe available for your ancestral parish.   Link

 Using the 9 Volume Set of books published in 2010 by the Perfect of the Vatican Secret Archives, Father Sergio Pagano.  Titled  Il censimento degli archivi ecclesiastici d'Italia del 1942

We need your support. Please consider a tax-deductible donation.