Archival Methodology

Italian Parish Records catalogue method is built on the vast work of Perfect Sergio Pagano.

Titled, Il censimento degli archivi ecclesiastici d'Italia del 1942

  • The 9 Volume Set of books was published in 2010 by the Perfect of the Vatican Secret Archives, Father Sergio Pagano. This collection presents information acquired during the census conducted in 1942-1943 at the behest of Cardinal Giovanni Mercati, of the Italian church parish registries.

  • This census informs us which records are available for most parishes in Italy. Precise details are documented such as records destroyed by the war, parishes that did not file any information for the census, exact years of baptisms, marriages, deaths, censuses, etc.

The documents below contain a listing of parishes, as contained in the Il Censimento Degli Archivi Ecclesiastici d’Italia Del 1942-1943. Please keep in mind that NOT ALL parishes submitted information to the Archivio Segreto Vaticano for the census, so if you do not find the parish you are looking for, this may be one reason why.

  • To search the documents use Control F.

  • Please keep in mind that various regions and provinces in Italy have changed. For the most part town and parish names have remained the same.

  • If you find the parish you are looking for, we then can provide you with a copy of the listing as found in the books, which states the various registries and corresponding dates.

emilia e romagna book 77

Lazio - campania - beneventana - luciania e salernitano book 80

liguria - lombardia book 75

piemonte book 74

puglia - calabria - sardegna - sicilia book 81

toscana book 78

trentino - veneto - fruili venezia giulia book 76